Oneness - Sitting with Trees

KIDS PRACTICE: Sitting with Trees

To experience Oneness, we take the kids outside to meditate, converse or simply sit with a tree.  Have your child pick a tree and sit or stand next to it.  They may lean their back or forehead against the trunk, or lay cradled in the roots.  It is essential that they touch the tree in some way with their bodies.  Have them remain in this position for a minimum of 5 minutes, longer if they are able. Afterwards, have them join together and share about their experience.  Here are the shares from our class:
  • "I felt like I was held by my mother in her warm, loving arms.  I felt safe and protected and loved."
  • "I felt strong and powerful, like my roots were deep in the Earth.  I felt free of worries."
  • "I was one with my tree."
  • "My backbone became the trunk and I felt I could see from the tips of the branches."
  • "When I put my head against the tree, my mind was erased of all thoughts"
This practice is also supported by science. According to the book “Earthing” (also the Journal of Environmental and Public Health and The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine) the practice of earthing basically involves coupling your body to the Earth’s surface energy by walking, sitting or sleeping outside in direct contact with the Earth. When in direct contact with the Earth, your body becomes suffused with negative charged free electrons and equalizes to the same electric energy level as the Earth.  It's been associated with many, many benefits including:
  • Reducing inflammation by defusing excess positive electrons
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Improving sleep
  • Increasing energy
  • Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.
  • Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm
  • Improving blood pressure and blood flow
  • Relieving muscle tension and headache
  • Lessens menstrual and female hormone symptoms
  • Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores
  • Can eliminate jet lag
  • Protecting the body from EMFs
  • Shortens recovery time from injury or athletic activity
  • Reducing or eliminating snoring
  • Helping support adrenal health
  • Benefits skin conductivity, moderated heart rate variability, improved glucose regulation, reduced stress and boosted immunity
  • Increasing the surface charge of red blood cells. As a result, the cells avoid clumping, which decreases blood viscosity. High viscosity is a significant factor in heart disease, which is why so many people take blood thinning aspirin each day to improve their heart health.
  • Regulating both the endocrine and nervous systems

Try It!

We'd love to hear from you!  How was this practice experienced in your family?  What comments did you hear from kids after the sitting with trees exercise?

Embody it!

Take this practice even deeper by not only having your child pick their very own tree but by continually visiting the same tree again and again.  Another idea~ plant a tree for your child and nurture a relationship with it by telling your child the story of planting it in their honor.  I have a special tree for both my children in our yard, planted at their birth.  They take special delight in visiting and conversing with their trees.



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