Devotion - I Release and Let Go

DEVOTION is implicit in the final step of affirmative prayer when we say, "I release and let go."  This step is the "Amen" giving away our problems to God, the subconscious, our Higher Self.  It is saying, "I trust and have faith that I am taken care of and all my needs have been met." It is an act of complete devotion. According to the Law of Mind, as we make a statement it is enacted.  Kids understand this.  They understand getting someone to help them with their problems.

Devotion is an act of love, a willingness to submit and surrender. It is housed in the heart, not the mind.  Just as in the image at top the woman's head is thrown back with her arms open. Her heart is exposed as her chest is thrust forward.  Yogic chest openers, like the cobra and fish, are great for expanding heart energy and opening oneself in devotion to the Higher Mind.

Release as a bedtime ritual

A great way to practice devotion at home is to make a bedtime ritual with your child using affirmative prayer or one of the practices below:

Giving your problems to God

My mother taught me this and it immediately alleviates anxieties in both children and adults. Have your child identify their worries and problems. Then have them say, "These worries are too much for me, I give them to you, God, to hold for me and to solve. I trust in you."  This is really just a short and sweet version of affirmative prayer.

The Worry Tree

Another wonderful bedtime ritual is to embark on a visualization journey with your child.  Have them close their eyes. Tell them a story, "you see a tree, your own very special tree.  It is your worry tree. On that tree there is a sturdy branch just at your height.  Before you begin your adventure, you must hang all of your worries on this sturdy branch.  When you are finished, you may pick them back up again or you may just let the tree hold them for you.  It is very strong and doesn't mind the weight." Then continue with your story.  If you do not feel comfortable to create your own visualization for your child, you may read one from Moonbeam: A Book of Meditations for Children by Maureen Garth.  Garth, in addition to having a worry tree just outside the garden gate, also has an angel guide to accompany the child on their journey.

Devotion for Adults

Adults often believe they have to solve problems alone and that they are alone. For adults wanting to go deeper, Ernest Holmes speaks about release and faith in his talk, Beware the Contagious Disease of Anxiety:


Image credits

Images are free for commercial use from  Thank you to the following image authors:

Girl with balloon - Denise Husted
Hands and butterflies - Inspired Images
Magical tree- DarkWorkX

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